Monday, February 23, 2009

Mom Took a Class

on cake decorating. For the most part, it was fun because I had a trip down memory lane. The teacher would share an idea or show how to use a tip for a certain design, and I would remember my mother decorating cakes when I was a child. She did all of the designs that I was shown that night. My mom was a great cake decorator, she even made my wedding cake. I think the hardest part for her, was the stress of getting everything "just right", but I thought they were beautiful!

So here is my attempt at decorating a cake. It has been such a long time since I tried cake decorating, my boys thought this cake was "awesome". Of course, it helped that it tasted good, too.

I guess I will try again soon to decorate a cake. I just have to think of ways to decorate it. Everyone there at the class said there are great books out there, so I might have to pick one up.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Funny Joke

We actually are not an exciting family, but we do like jokes. Stephen read this one on a laffy taffy wrapper the other day and I quite liked it.

What is green and sings?

Elvis Parsley!

Of course, I had to explain it to him, as Elvis is a little before his time. I had him call Grandpa to tell him the joke, because Grandpa likes to sing with Elvis.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Classes for next year

So I'm trying to decide whether or not I am going to take band next year in 9th grade. Also I want to join the marching band but that will cost more than I can afford. The reason why I can't afford it, is because I am saving my money for the National Boy Scout Jamboree in 2010.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sister's 40th Birthday

WOW - I can't believe it. My sister is turning 40! (I'm not going to say who is older - she or I).

Now the big question is - who in the family are more excited about this?

Could it be my sister - excited that she is finally the BIG 40. How about our parents - knowing that they now have 2 "kids" that are over 40? OR - Maybe her kids so they can tease her that she really is getting OLD.

Happy Birthday Kathy!