Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jazz Band

Here's Ryan with the Jazz Band (they met after school to learn how to play Jazz) back in March. That was fun, too!
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Ryan Plays Trumpet

Ryan recently performed with his school band in a concert. They played some wonderful music - we are waiting for the CD so we can hear it again. Ryan has been playing the trumpet for 2 school years now, and really enjoys it. We like band concerts, because the music isn't as long as at Choir and Orchestra concerts. The 9th grade band and High School band are on the stage behind Ryan, and all three bands joined together to play "76 Trombones" from The Music Man. It was FABULOUS! Keep up the playing, Ryan!
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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Stephen Had a Birthday Party

He invited several friends to the pool with him. He loves the water, and jumping off the diving board. Ryan went swimming, too and seemed to have a fun time. After swimming they had "mud pies", and played games together. At the end, Stephen said, "That was the best birthday party ever!!"
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