Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ryan Passes Drivers Ed Written Test

After 3 tries, Ryan finally passed his test. He will be range driving on Saturday, and then getting his permit next week after finishing his "Citizen in the Nation" merit badge. So, fair warning is given - stay off the road!

Originated from: Jewkes Family Blog

Monday, March 8, 2010

Stephen Rocks the Halls!

At school, Stephen has been reading... a lot! After each book, the students can take an AR test that checks their comprehension of what they have read. Each test awards points and they keep track of their points. When the students reach 100 points, they get to rock the halls!!!

Stephen (and the other students) received a medal and a shirt. They invite the parents to come watch. All of the students from the classes line up in the halls and the students names are announced. The students, led by their wonderful principal, run down the halls, cheered on by their fellow students! Music plays...Who let the dogs out?, and We Will Rock You!

Stephen enjoyed running down the hall with all his fellow students cheering him on!

And here is the principal, leading the group. This is a proud moment for the readers and their parents. Great job, Stephen!!!!

Originated from: Jewkes Family Blog